


Metatron has been locked into stone. Find a way to free him.

screenshot of the game Metatron, showing a landscape with platforms, clouds a tower and a sheep

(ca. 8.5 Mb)


This is meant to be played in a browser on a desktop/laptop device. Your experience on other devices may vary.

Currently does not work on Mac. The issue is known and we are waiting for Google to fix their browser engine.


Game design, art, programming by Lucius.

The gameplay is inspired by Hapland by Robin Allen.

Sound effects are mostly from freesound.org (CC0 license) and from (Shapeform Free Sound Effects) (free and royalty-free), as well as some own recordings.

The fonts used are Bungee by David Jonathan Ross (OFL License) and Roboto Slab Bold by Christian Robertson (Apache 2.0 License).

Made with Godot 4 and Inkscape on Linux.

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